Our History


Our History

The Board of Trustees came together with their unified concern for the vast number of people suffering from mental health disorders and associated disability compounded by the lack of human and logistic resources to support identification, treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration into the society of affected people.

There is a diverse range of risk factors present in the society leading to the development of poor mental health and mental health disorders that needs to be addressed.

The founders of the trust were also concerned about the lack of applied and basic research necessary to fill existing gaps in knowledge, service delivery, acceptance and maintenance of appropriate measures for better mental health of the people in Bangladesh and globally. The founders thus became desirous of establishing a non-profitable, non-political and non-governmental trust with the vision to raise awareness, provide training and education, conduct research and facilitate service integration for mental health.


MATERS Trust envision a Bangladesh where every individual has opportunity to gain optimum mental health and where every individual with a mental health disorder has access to necessary facilities for early identification, treatment and management.

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Contact info

  • info@materstrust.org
  • +(88) 01708521130
  • http://materstrust.org