OCD stand for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is common among adolescents. But can affect anyone at any age. Someone with OCD will have the same distressing thoughts and urges again and again.

What is OCD?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder. It can be serious, but it's very treatable.
People with OCD have repeating thoughts, images or feelings that are distressing (obsessions). They carry out rituals or habits (compulsions) to temporarily feel better.
OCD rituals can be obvious to other people (repeated hand washing, checking door locks) or they can happen inside your mind (like counting).
OCD thoughts often revolve around things like dirt and contamination, need for symmetry and order or worries around religion.

Age of onset

Obsessive compulsive disorders typically start between 18 and 25 but can begin earlier of any other age.

How common is it?

It generally affects 2% of the population

Gender issues

It equally affects men, women, and children of all races, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The symptoms of OCD

You might feel:
• your mind being 'invaded' by horrible and anxiety provoking thoughts repeatedly
• scared, disgusted, guilty, tearful, doubtful or depressed
• a powerful urge to do something to stop the feelings
• temporary relief after rituals
• a need to ask for reassurance or get people to check things for you
Just experience one or more of these symptoms doesn’t mean you’re affected by OCD. It’s important to talk to a psychiatrist or general physician to get a full diagnosis.

Possible risks

People with OCD have a mild risk for developing Schizophrenia.

What to do

Take the first step - if you think you are affected by OCD, talk to someone you like and trust, like a teacher, relative, counsellor or friend.It's important not to try and manage alone, as OCD normally needs treatment to get better. You should also see a medical doctor or psychiatrist.

Treating OCD

Treatment may need pharmacotherapy and or counseling. Medications that can help include e.g. anti-depressants.
Counseling therapy may include cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) using a technique called exposure response prevention (ERP), which helps you feel less upset by your thoughts.


MATERS Trust envision a Bangladesh where every individual has opportunity to gain optimum mental health and where every individual with a mental health disorder has access to necessary facilities for early identification, treatment and management.

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